We visited the 9th ward and were surprised at the building that was being done. About 5 - 8 houses have been built and it appears that there is a project to build many more. Unknown to us, Brad & Angelina & family were visiting the 9th ward the same time we were there! 2 blocks from Brad and we didn't even know it! Some of the new houses were much larger than the former houses. We also visited Habitat's Musician's Village and were happy to see how many of the pretty, mulicolor houses were completed.
Our house crew leaders, Ashley and Stacy are from the Americorps program. They are wonderful, talented, dedicated young women. We have enjoyed working with them and getting a glimpse into their lives.
Tonight we attended a party in the French Quarter to celebrate Women's Build week. Lots of volunteers and local dignitaries were there. Pink hammers were awarded to the volunteers who make the project a success. Liz McCartney, one of founders has been chosen, along with 9 other folks throughout the US, as a CNN Hero. CNN is having a vote for who is the top "Hero" and you can help St. Bernard Project by going to their site and voting for Liz. They will receive $100,000 if she wins. So in good Chicago fashion, vote early and often and maybe we can help this great
It is hard to believe that our week will be over tomorrow. We have completed the drywall in several rooms in Wanda's house as well as several closets and the hall. No major injuries, although Debbie will need keep her feet on the ground from now on!