The St. Bernard Project was started soon after the storms and levee breaches in the St. Bernard Parish. Imagine a patch of land between three bodies of water, a lake, the Gulf, and the Mississippi River. Then imagine all those bodies of water being full to overflowing and inundating that patch of land. Essentially, that's what happened to the lower 9th Ward and St. Bernard Parish.
The young people staffing the project are remarkable -- idealistic, smart, committed to making a difference, comapssionate, and great company. We are working with them at two sites in the parish, both homes, both at different stages of rebuilding. We're making a dent, and the homeowners we've met have been gracious and grateful. One of them brought one of our groups a typical crayfish lunch today. One or two of our hearty team were a little squeamish about eating them, but they were really good.
After work some of us went out for dinner, while the others went to a AAA minor league baseball game in which the New Orleans Zephyrs were soundly trounced by the Memphis Redbirds 9 - 1. It's back to work first thing in the morning. The weather's great. The work is challenging bur fulfilling. The teams are working well. And we are meeting some brave and determined and gracious people.